Saturday, May 16, 2020

Family Health Assessment - 1539 Words

Family Health Assessment Family health assessment is a great tool to utilize to develop health care plans for the individual family. There are many cultural beliefs and values shared by family members that influence their health perception. Gordon’s functional health assessment is used for a comprehensive nursing data base collection of the family unit using both subjective and objective data. Gordon’s functional health assessment is a holistic approach describing the individual’s biopsychosocial-spiritual, interrelated behaviors in 11 different areas in a family/community life (Edelman Mandle, 2010). The purpose of this paper is to analyze a family of three African American adults using the Gordon’s 11 functional health†¦show more content†¦No one in the family has any mental deficits. Sensory/Perception Both, JG and MG do not wear glasses, but both use reading glasses for reading up close. AG’s does not use any glasses, her vision is 20/20. No one has any hearing or sensation issues. Self-Perception Overall, the family is comfortable with their body weight. JG maintains his body weight and is within the normal range. MG is over-weight. She knows that there are health repercussions with obesity, but is comfortable and content with her weight, not working hard to lose the extra weight. AG is slim, fit, and happy with her weight. They all respect and love each other for who they are and where they are in life. Role Relationship This is a family of three. JG can retire, but chose to work because he loves what he is doing. He listens, guides, and supports young minds to the right path in life. He pays for the mortgage so he is the primary provider and he is comfortable in that role. MG is looking for a part time job for two years now in business administration. In the meantime, she loves to cook for the family and taking care of her house. AG works full time, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., as a paralegal in a court house. Everyone gets along well with each other and have a great relationship with one another. Sexuality They all have healthy sexual relationships. They get some (sex) when they want some (lots of laughs). AGShow MoreRelatedFamily Health Assessment : Family Assessment Essay1469 Words   |  6 PagesFamily Health Assessment Family is so important in the society and it is a blessing from God. Healthy behaviors learn from within the family and family member’s stimulus one to each other with health promotion practices. There fore, the health behaviors are very essential in the family assessment and which notifies health-promotion and disease-prevention. Within families, members will be the first one to learn about to promoting health. Families have impact on children’s lifestyle choices. 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